ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router - Hi guys, this time I will try to describe and review the products ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router, maybe any of you who are looking for the best products, so please feel free to buy it by pressing "Goto Main Store" at the bottom of this article. We also have set up a tutorial step by step how to buy this product until the product ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router really have to buy from here.
Actually, this product has been widely known and indeed very hard sell in the market, but never mind I will review it again, probably there among you who do not know about this product ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router.
This is a picture of a product ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router that I took from the real source, so if you want to buy this product by pressing the "Goto Main Store" that exist under this article then you will get the products as shown below :
ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router Rating :

Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
254 of 273 people found the following review helpful.Off The Charts - Amazing Router!
By Rogo
I've been following routers for about a year and determined this model would help future proof some wireless stuff we purchase next year. It's also one of, if not the strongest available. I was a little intimidated buying this one because of all it's features and not one of the traditional router brand. I thought setup would be a hassle. Boy was I wrong on all counts. This thing is wonderfully thought all areas. It blows away Cisco's new "cloud for dummies", tricking some into online router accounts, so they can track your data usage.
Before setup I found 3 excellent HD Youtube videos (ASUS RT-N66U Setup...Wired...Wireless). They're made by a down to earth Asus employee who does a great job covering the setup wizard and various features. Getting it up is a breeze, very simple, takes a couple minutes for both wired and wireless. Before install you might want to check into the following:
1) Download the latest firmware from the ASUS website. The routers FW version listed at top of GUI, nice! (Router access is
2) Decide if you want a different (SSID) name for the 2.4GHz and the 5GHZ channel and figure out what the names will be.
3) I used an online "WPA Key Generator" so the keys were ready before setup. I created a different one for each channel.
4) Visit forum for the AC66U. Read the couple threads on how they're getting strongest signals, best channels, frequency's, etc. Many passionate owners will help with timely support and tips.
5) Test your internet speeds and before - and after you install this new router.
The routers GUI is incredibly easy to understand and has tremendous amount of information and features. They use plenty of icons, images, grids, laymens terms, and "?" that provide simple explanations when hovering over. The ability to configure "port forwarding" was so simple I spent more time looking for complex steps, then the actual time to config.
THE BOX - Folks this is an impressive looking piece of hardware. It uses very dark/deep blue LED's just below the top surface. This dark blue lighting matches that same blue on our high end components. The small ASUS name in the back right corner is gold plated, a nice touch. The criss-cross grid pattern is done extremely well. The unit itself is solid, a very heavy device for it's size, which is nice for a change. I'm a fan of external antenna's and these look good, fully adjustable. They screw on so you could add extension cables to relocate them.
Surprisingly there is a small power button on the back - no more plug/unplug. There's also a WPS button on the back or AC66U. I discovered it's purpose on my Android phone, a WPS note next to router network name. This feature eliminates the need to enter long WAP keys. Hitting the WPS button in a timely fashion automates and finishes connection to router. I had no ideas this tech was in routers.
The feature called "Download Master" performs downloads for your PC. With a storage device attached I no longer need to leave my PC running while waiting for a download to finish. There's many other features you can add or simply turn on. It's the shizznit of routers for sure. I'm in the GUI every couple hours checking features, usage, etc. It's a great application for sure.
Since ASUS is making firmware changes frequently, listening to their customers, I was not worried about those minor glitches when first released this device. I was confident they would get it right and work things out. My unit is Hardware version A2, so they are updating hardware too. Stop your searching and reading - get this router - you will be happy.
214 of 232 people found the following review helpful.The Best Wireless Router, compared to Cisco
By Franco Barbagallo
Before having the great Asus RT-AC66U I was dealing with a Cisco E4200 v2 (Stay away from these routers). The Cisco E4200 v2 was a terrible product, it had an intermittent internet and slow speeds (I spent more than 1 hour with Cisco support trying configurations) then I gave Cisco another chance, I bought a Bran new Cisco EA4500, same problem impossible to get it to work properly. I did a lot of research and it looks like many many people are having these problems with Cisco and there is no fix. The 2 Cisco high end routers that I have tryed were really bad, dropping a poor signal on both 2.4 and 5.0 and really slow slow. Then I got the Netgear AC 1750 (R6000) It worked really well, but I didn't like that in the configuration you could not choose N or AC modes only, instead it says Up to 450 Mbps, Up to 1300 and like that so it enables all Wifi types and you can not use it as N only, apart from that it was so Bulky even the charger was large as the ones found in laptops.
I Just received the Asus RT-AC66U and it works great, excellent range and speed link (260Mb 10 meters -33 ft- away from the router, some walls in the middle) The Set up has easy options for novice and advanced tools for expert and it look really good. The router has the better construction quality that I have seen, the plastic, the terminals and everything looks really good quality (The Netgear looked so cheap from the outside, and the Cisco was just ok)Even the box was better quality and better printed that the Cisco and Netgear ones, also the manual. The router's look is great, like a jewelry box.
Great Range and Speed
Great configuration interface
Good construction quality
Detachable antennas (you can upgrade to a larger antenna for extra coverage)
Compact compared to other AC Routers
- dd-wrt Firmware likely to be available for this router some time soon
It warms up more than others, but I think it's normal.
I would recommend this router to anyone, Great product overall.
565 of 622 people found the following review helpful.The Swiss Army Knife of Consumer routers. Never buying from another brand EVER again.
By Brandon Dalton
First off, let me start by saying that this router isn't like the ones I have purchased in the past. I feel it is a enthusiast's router, but at the same time it is so much easier to setup even if you are a newbie. It took me just 1 minute to set this up and another minute to get it connected. If you are reading other reviews on the website that are saying this router is bad ignore them. From the ones I read people having issues didn't know anything about what they were doing.
Second, I am a student studying network administration and know a considerable amount when it comes to networking and setting up networks. You know this means that you are getting an amazing review.
Note: I will be updating this review to include a lot more when I have fooled around with it more.
This router not only met my needs, but it exceeded them. I logged in the router for the first time to find a plethora of amazing utilities and trust me when I say this "I wish Cisco would have there user interface on there Cisco routers how Asus has it setup on this one. Its it remarkable how well they have polished the interface and make it so user friendly but at the same time giving us techies what we need.
The Specifics:
Connection: I get full bars and I have yet to go down the street to see if I still have a connection, but I will say this. My E1200 router would only give my mother that's on the other side of the house 3 bars. With this it is a max of 5 and her speeds are amazing when compared to the E1200's speeds.
Remember me saying Swiss Army Knife? Well this router has the following:
Guest network setup with 3 network keys for the 2.4ghz network and 3 network keys for the 5.0ghz network. Unheard of I say! Hats off to Asus for that.
Traffic manager is another nice add but one that is common place on every router out. What sets this one apart is the way that it saves the computers on your network and tells you there network name so that it will be easier to have QoS run flawlessly on the network.
Parental Controls that are so easy to setup a child can do it. Your kids will hate you but you will reign supreme!
USB Applications;
AiDisk Share files connected through the USB through the Internet. A must have if you need files you have forgotten.
Servers Center: You like your media on your computer and usb stick, who doesn't? This allows you to setup DLNA iTunes Server setup your media directory on your thumb drive that you connect to your router also. The option to allow FTP servers to run through the router is a step in the right direction. You can also setup how many users can be logged in at one time and setup the Work Group settings right on the router.
This is where other routers get blown in the dust. You can setup a Cloud service directly from the router itself. By Plugging in a USB thumb drive or a Portable hard drive into your router and setting it up you can access all your data on your usb with the apps on Google Play and the Itunes App Store. This allows for you to just make a cloud disk, smart access with the ability to make your computer wake on LAN so that you can access your data even if your computer is currently switched off. Also if you are a fan of the ASUS web storage you can have it sync up with it and use it to your liking.
Now to the Barebones: The network Advanced settings (Network junkies start drooling!)
General Tab- Here you have the settings for the server and you can setup your SSID/Password Authentication method and all of the settings you would normally see on a router.
WPS: Pretty much self explained if you have already had a router before. This setting allows you to setup at the push of a button on the router a easy connect system. I don't use it but it is a very handy feature to have if your a newbie to the networking game.
Bridge - Allows you to bridge the internet connection with a wireless access point that will repeat the signal throughout your house. In my opinion not needed because this router is a beast, but all the same if you live in a big mansion you can setup many access points and it will be buttery smooth.
MAC Address filter - This is where you can setup a more secure way to secure your network. This allows you to setup the router to only allow specific computers with only the mac address they have (this isn't 100% fool proof).
RADIUS - I don't know what this. Will update this shortly after finding out what it does.
Professional - All the settings you would ever want to play with are here. On this page alone you can setup the frequency (2.4ghz or 5ghz), enable the radio, set the days the radio is turned on, the time of day to turn the radio on and off, Option to Set your AP Isolated, Multicast settings, Preamble Type, RTS Threshold, DTIM Interval, Beacon Interval, Enable TX Bursting, Wireless Multicast Fowarding, Enable WMM APSD, Enhanced interference Management, and Tx Power adjustment.
LAN - I'm not going to go to far into it but I will go back over this review and revise stuff as it is needed. This has the basic settings like the LAN IP, DHCP Server settings, Routing rules for the router, IPTV settings, and Switch Control settings.
WAN - This has your Wide Area Network settings for those of you don't know what WAN means, this usually is used for businesses and I figure businesses do use this router for obvious reasons. I'll just go over the tabs on this part. I still have five more things to go over, not including the tabs on each so yeah this router is pretty beastly. This router has Port Trigger, Virtual Server/Port Forwarding options, DMZ, DDNS, and NAT Passthrough settings.
IPV6 - Self explanitory here. This is just Internet Protocol Version 6 settings.
VPN Server - Now this is a setting I will be using and anyone that is a network junkie will love. Setting up the Virtual Private Network settings is pretty much a breeze and if you come by any issues leave a comment and I will reply.
Firewall - This is pretty self-explained. You do have DDoS protection, URL Filter, Keyword Filter, and Network Services Filter tabs on this. I liked the DDos Protection option...turning that now now!
Administration - Now this is where things are different. On this router you can select 3 different modes under the Operation Mode tab, which is shown as soon as you select the Administration option. There is Wireless router mode which is the default, Media Bridge mode is very awesome in the face you can set it up so that you can stream videos and music to all your devices simultaneously. A big plus for all those who love media and who doesn't I know what I'll be playing with later. The System Tab has options for the router for the Admin side like the router Name and Password, plus it has WPS button Behavior settings like Toggle Radio (switching from 2.4ghz to 5.ghz) and Activating the WPS. This router also has the option to where you can Telnet into it (which I absolutely love). It also only allows people with specific IP's to be able to access the router to edit settings with the client list at the bottom. Just make sure you click the yes next to the Only allow specific IP setting on the router. Firmware upgrade tab just has the options for upgrading firmware. Pretty self-explanitory there. Restore/Save/Upload Setting tab has 3 settings. Of those settings, there are Factory default, Save Setting, and Restore setting. The restore setting asks for you to choose a file from your computer. it is a very nice feature to have if your are a Tech like me and don't have time for foolishness.
Well as you can tell this router is a superb router with many advanced features. Thus is why I call it the swiss army knife. I may just call my router McGuyver since it can do everything (for all you old school guys out there that know about the show I figured you could use a laugh).
I hope you liked my review and if you like it and it helps you feel free to tell amazon that it did. I'm trying to get into the program where amazon sends me stuff to review. I took the time to give everyone insight on this router because I love technology and I want to help the everyday man and woman. Thanks for reading.
Here is a description and product detail of the product ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router, please read the to ensure that you actually purchasing the items you want.
Product Description
Get an ultra-fast Internet connection when you choose the Asus Dual-Band Gigabit Router 1300Mbps. This router is compatible with all laptops, tablets, and desktop PCs since it comes with the latest IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless network standards. It delivers an extremely fast data transfer rate speed with its 1300Mbps so that you can surf the web, download music, or stream online movies rapidly. Its security protocols keep your mind at peace when online and prevents hackers from getting in to your network. Additionally, it has 3 external antennas that are capable of sending the signal so that you can get a connection from anywhere in the house. Order the Asus Dual-Band Gigabit Router 1300Mbps today!
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #37 in Personal Computers
- Brand: Asus
- Model: RT-AC68U
- Released on: 2013-10-09
- Dimensions: 8.60" h x3.30" w x6.30" l,1.40 pounds
- Up to 1900 Mbps, 802.11AC(1300Mbps over 5G) + 802.11N(600Mbps over 2.4G). Broadcom TurboQAM™ technology increases wireless-N data rate to600 Mbps for 33% faster performance
- 1 x Gigabit WAN port, 4 x Gigabit LAN ports, 1 x USB3.0/1 x USB 2.0 support Printer/HDD/(3G/4G dongle) sharing.
- AiRadar with Beam forming technology to ensure maximum WiFi coverage. Dual-core processor for fast and responsive performance with Wi-Fi, Ethernet and USB devices.
- AiCloud to bring you multimedia sharing from outside network and Smartphone
- Enhanced ASUSWRT interface for Easy 3steps setup through Tablet, Smartphone and PC
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7. I think here you have to understand how to buy ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router, because the next step will be the same as when you are buying online at other stores.
8. Congratulations youve managed to buy ASUS (RT-AC68) Wireless-AC1900 Dual-Band Gigabit Router from here.
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